The Airship is a valuable tool for trading goods in exchange for coins and other useful resources.

Unlocked after passing the Oracle's Abode, the Airship station is located on the right side of your home island.


How to complete orders?

The Airship will have orders that require products crafted in your factories. Initially, you'll have two slots to fill per trip, meaning you can complete two orders. You can send the Airship off after fulfilling just one order, but the more you complete, the better your final reward.

Once all slots are filled, the Airship will leave for 5 hours before returning with new tasks.


Once you fill all the slots and finish the orders, the Airship will depart for 5 hours before returning with new orders.  

What are the rewards?

Completing Airship orders rewards you with coins, fertilizers, kitchen ingredients, and rare resources like trowels, brushes, compasses, and lighters. These items will be useful during your expeditions and temporary adventures.

How to improve your airship?

You can increase your Airship's capacity by opening additional slots in exchange for crafted items. Eventually, you'll be able to buy a second Airship, allowing you to double your orders and maximize your rewards!