If you are having problems watching ads in the game, please make sure that your device is connected to the Internet first.

All ads and videos in the game are provided by 3rd-party companies that rely heavily on the game's cache. If it is full, that may cause errors.
Please clear the game's cache on your device - it's easy:
1. Open Settings >> Apps >> Zombie Castaways
2. And tap the Clear CACHE button (do not confuse with Clear DATA - please do not tap that).
If the problem persists, please, send us a message. If possible, attach screenshots of the videos causing problems, and we will deal with them.

All ads and videos in the game are provided by 3rd-party companies that rely heavily on the game's cache. If it is full, that may cause errors.

Please try restarting the game a couple of times, the video causing problems will be gone and you will get to watch the next one.

If the problem persists, please, write us a message. If possible, attach screenshots of the videos causing problems, and we will deal with them.