You may have already noticed that the number of ads you can watch for bonuses has recently decreased.

One of the important reasons why we reduced the ability to view ads for bonuses was the need to balance the economic aspects of the game. The economy in the game plays an important role, and balancing it is key to ensuring fair play. We strive to create an engaging gaming experience, and to that end, it is important that bonuses earned for watching ads do not unbalance the economy or give an unfair advantage to some players.

We understand that watching ads is one convenient way to earn extra rewards, and we're not taking that opportunity away from you completely, but it will now happen a little less frequently and in a more balanced way.  The option to watch ads for a bonus will now become available not after a certain cooldown, as before, but simply be available a couple of times a day, and refresh at 00:00 your time.

Our goal is to find the best solution that combines the interests of the players and provides a stable and balanced gaming environment.

Thank you for your understanding and support. We are always striving to make our game better and more fun for you.